

Reason Humans Are Obsessed With the Apocalypse

Why our fixation? Writing strictly on a not-for-prophet basis, here are the Top 10 reasons for our obsession!

Unsolved Mysteries

Unsolve Mysteries worlwide, still unknow and unsolved until now? indeed!

Mythical Creature in One Piece

This is the list of the most well known mythical creatures. As always, if you want to add more, use the comments at the bottom of the page. We Love One Piece!

Books That Changed The World TOday

This topic is a very subjective one, and I realise that there will be many disagreements with my selected 10 books. Feel free to add any additional books with a reason, to the comments field.

Other Unsolved Mysteries

This list comprises the most famous unsolved mysteries known to man that really defy rational explanation or are just outright strange.

September 04, 2011

Top 10 Myths About Ancient Egypt

The Ancient Egyptians are shrouded in an aura of mystery and intrigue, cultivated by continuing archeological discoveries. Unfortunately, the sense of awe that pervades Ancient Egypt has also produced countless myths. This list will investigate the most common misconceptions about Ancient Egypt, and include some interesting digressions that will illuminate new areas of their advanced culture.

10.Cleopatra Was Beautiful
Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, has always been a cultural figure, renowned for her alluring beauty. This idea has been perpetuated by everybody from Shakespeare to film director Joseph L. Mankiewicz. However, Roman coins show Cleopatra to have masculine features: a large nose, protruding chin and thin lips – not any culture’s archetype of good looks. On the other hand, she wasn’t lacking in brains; contemporary sources note Cleopatra as being charismatic and clever, as opposed to possessing physical beauty.

9.Obsessed With Death

Reading about the Ancient Egyptians with their pyramids, mummies and imposing gods, it is easy to reach the conclusion that they were preoccupied with death. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The great labor that the Egyptians took in burying each other was actually a way of glorifying life. For example, many of the illustrations that adorn the inside of tombs are celebrations of farming, hunting and fishing. Furthermore, the expensive ornaments buried with the Egyptians helped them reach the afterlife, where they continued their current job without any hardships. Mummifying was a way to keep the corpse lifelike, ready for this idealized form of everyday life. Clearly the Egyptians were obsessed with life, not death.


Listverse attracts a very rational crowd, but unfortunately there are some who believe that the Egyptians were in contact with aliens. They allege that the pyramids are superhuman achievements and that some murals actually depict extraterrestrials. This is simply insulting to the legacy of the Ancient Egyptians. Whilst the Great Pyramid at Giza is mathematically astounding, its construction was not beyond the ingenious astronomers, scholars and architects of the time. And while the Great Pyramid stood as the tallest structure for almost 4000 years, that does not mean that the Egyptians were friends with aliens; it only means that no culture rivaled the Egyptians at building monuments until the 19th century. Concerning murals, the picture above speaks for itself.

7.Fully Discovered

Many believe that we have found out everything we can about Ancient Egypt, and that Egyptology is a dead and buried subject. This is simply incorrect. Fascinating discoveries are still being made daily about Ancient Egypt, shedding new light on their civilization. For instance, a “solar boat” is currently being extracted from the Great Pyramid. It is presumed that this solar boat would allow the dead Pharaohs to assist sun-god Ra in his eternal battle with Apep, demon of darkness. Every night, Ra sails his solar boat into combat with Apep and at dawn he emerges triumphant and cruises across the sky.


People seem to assume that the Ancient Egyptians invented hieroglyphs. However, primitive hieroglyphs were probably brought to Egypt by West Asian invaders. Another myth, fueled by the images of snakes and disembodied legs, is that the hieroglyphs were a language of curses and magical incantations. In reality, most of the time hieroglyphs were used for innocuous inscriptions or historical depictions. Curses are rarely found in tombs and most of those discovered have been impotent: “His years shall be diminished”, “He shall have no heir”. Interestingly, until the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1798, and later translated, most scholars believed that the hieroglyphs were illustrations, not phonetic sounds making up an alphabet.

5.Pyramid Decoration

Hieroglyphs cover the interior of many Ancient Egyptian tombs and palaces. But contrary to myth, the pyramids are relatively undecorated. Indeed, until recently the pyramids at Giza were thought to be absolutely bare inside. This supposition was shattered when hieroglyphs were found behind a secret door in the Great Pyramid a few months ago. Also, the pyramids were not all limestone-colored 4000 years ago: some sections, such as interior pillars, were painted red or white. This basic paint and hidden writing still leaves the pyramids extremely austere; it is their architecture that cements the pyramids as the oldest and most popular stone buildings in the world.

4.Pharaohs Killed Servants

When the Pharaohs died, their servants were not killed and entombed with them as is popularly believed, bar a few exceptions. Two Pharaohs of the First Dynasty of Egypt are known to have had their servants buried with them. The human tendency to generalize has led to the myth that this was a common occurrence amongst all of the other 300 or so Pharaohs. The later Pharaohs probably realized that their trusty servants were more useful living than dead, so they buried themselves with ‘shabtis’ instead. These were figurines that could be animated to help the Pharaohs in the afterlife.

3.Slaves Built The Pyramids

The idea that slaves built the pyramids in Egypt has been circulating since Greek historian Herodotus reported it in the 5th century BC. It was confirmed as false when tombs containing the remains of the pyramid builders were found next to the pyramids at Giza. Being buried beside the divine Pharaohs would be the greatest honor, never granted to slaves. In addition, huge numbers of cattle bones excavated at Giza show that beef, a delicacy in Ancient Egypt, was a staple food of the builders. The builders of the pyramids were evidently highly skilled Egyptian craftsmen, not slaves as Hollywood or perhaps the Bible makes people think.

2.Enslavement Of The Israelites

This follows on from the last myth and is obviously a delicate issue. Unfortunately for those who follow the Bible as a literal account of history, there is no evidence to suggest that the Israelites were enslaved in Ancient Egypt. We know much about the Ancient Egyptians from their thorough records, yet they never mention keeping a race of slaves, they never mention the Ten Plagues and there is no archeological information that shows millions of Hebrews inhabiting Egypt or the desert. Besides, the escape of millions of slaves would have destroyed the Egyptian economy, yet it was thriving throughout the second millennium BC when the exodus supposedly happened.

1.Curse Of The Pharaohs

The ‘curse’ that blighted those who opened the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was a triumph of media hype and public susceptibility. The myth is that a curse laid by Tutankhamun killed sponsor Lord Carnarvon and other members of the expedition. Although some have come up with theories of dangerous fungi and gases accumulating inside the tomb, the deaths do not need a special explanation. Only 8 of the 58 present at the uncovering of the tomb died within a dozen years. Expedition leader Carter, the most obvious target for a curse, lived on for 16 years. The other coincidences are a case of confirmation bias: any misfortune that befell anybody in the expedition was ascribed to the Curse of the Pharaohs. The curse is a prime example of people’s impulse to believe an exciting story instead of the facts.

Most Popular Top Club Songs ; September 2011

Top club songs 2011

discoMusic hаѕ nowadays become аn essential раrt οf socializing, especially fοr thе youngsters whο Ɩіkе tο spend thеіr weekends dancing, drinking аnԁ mingling. Whether іt іѕ a private party οr a disc, music plays аn іmрοrtаnt role іn setting thе mood οf thе people present thеrе. Playing thе rіɡht kind οf songs аt a ɡеt together οr a club саn mаkе people еnјοу аnԁ hаνе fun together. Sο, іf уου аrе рƖаnnіnɡ a party аt уουr рƖасе аnԁ аrе searching fοr thе Top club songs οf 2011 thаt уου саn play, thеn уου hаνе landed οn thе rіɡht page. Below іѕ a list οf top club songs 2011, followed bуtop club house songs οf thіѕ year.
Most οf thе club songs 2011 hаνе bееn сrеаtіnɡ discos a great feel. Thеу hаνе mаԁе life better fοr thе DJ аѕ thеѕе club songs hаνе mаԁе a bіɡɡеr shows fοr thеm. Thеу hаνе bееn tuned tο сrеаtе a feel thаt wіƖƖ mаkе уου mονе οn уουr feet. It mаkеѕ уου groovy аnԁ іt wіƖƖ mаkе уου feel Ɩіkе уου аrе having a better life. Sοmе οf thе best tracks аrе listed below.
Thіѕ іѕ probably a personal take οn top club songs 2011 songs bυt іt looks ассυrаtе fοr everyone аnԁ іѕ diverse. It’s exciting thаt dev іѕ finally getting around. Swedish house mafia аnԁ dj tiesto іѕ pretty сοοƖ tοο. LMFAO іѕ ѕο hot…..аnԁ #2 auburn wаѕ catchy. Thе rest i’m nοt a hυɡе fan οf club house songs bυt i still Ɩіkе thеѕе top club songs 2011.
List οf top 10 club songs 2011
1. Tiesto & Mаrk Knight ft. Dino – BеаυtіfυƖ Worlddiscoball
2. LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock – Party Rock Anthem
3 .Whеrе Yου At  –   Jennifer Hudson
4 .Wet   -  Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta
5 .Original Sin  –   INXS ft  Rob Thomas intro DJ Yaleidys
6 .Dancing Tonight  –   Kat DeLuna
7 .World Keeps Turning   -  Sylvia Tosun
8 .Turn It Up  –   Ultra Nate
9 .Till Thе World Ends  –   Britney Spears
10 .San Francisco Iѕ Mу Disco   -  Laura LaRue


Top Club Songs 2011 List Enԁ

Sοmе more new hottest most popular top club hits 2011

In Yουr Eyes Digital Mode Sunlight Extended Mix – Avangarda
Barbra Streisand Greysound Remix – Duck Sauce
Tooty Frooty Original Mix – CοοƖ Project
Party Rock Anthem 2010 Original Mix – LMFAO Ft. Lauren Bennett Goon Rock
Keep Control Conrado Remix – Komodo
Shake It Down Main Mix – Tony Tweaker
Yeah Yeah Yeah Electro Mix – Spencer Hill
Universal Original Mix – TF Project
Jolene Fonzerelli Epic Western Remix – Brazen feat. Ellenyi
Afrojack ft. Eva Simons – Take Over Control
Love handles – Akon (David Guetta & Afrojak)
Mονе οn Fаѕt – Yoko Ono
Seconds Puma Scorz Club Mix – Seconds Puma Scorz Club Mix
Swedish House Mafia – One
Hold It Against Mе – Britney Spears
S&M – Rihanna
Dirty South – Phazing
Tiesto & Hardwell – Zero 76
Disted Maniac Extended Mix – Martis Kanee
Better Thаn Today – Kylie Minogue
Aftеr Thе Love Tony Pryde Remix – R.I.O
Energy Drink Injecto Remix – Hot Event
Young Lions – Tiesto

5 Ways Nagging Is Like Torture

by Tom Miller
100616_naggingSometimes being told what to do is really nice. It's not that it divorces you from the consequences. We're always responsible for our actions, especially after we say, "if you change the pre-sets on my stereo again, I will not be responsible for what happens. So HELP ME GOD!" But being told exactly what to do can take the thinking out of something you clearly don't want to do.
However, being on the business end of a constant stream of critiques, veiled orders, words to the wise and "helpful" hints is a major bummer. It's not just ladies who nag, fellas do too — but we call it carping, hectoring and emotional battery. We like to say, "All's fair in love and war," but if the Geneva Convention makes it illegal to pull out someone's fingernails to get them to spill when the next attack is coming, it stands to reason that telling someone to hang up their polo four times in one week (even though I, I mean, they don't mind a folded shirt) should be outlawed. Here are five ways in which nagging is kind of like torture:

1. Hearts & Minds. Similar to invading a foreign country, ostensibly to prevent their proliferation of havingnagging-wife-saidaonline sex with other people, you want your opponent to come to your side. Bothering your partner consistently about small things is not a good way to win him (or her!) over. Talk about a stressful position. Is this thing on?

2. And Then They Came For You. One of these days, the "enemy" may catch one of your guys (i.e. one of your few imperfections may emerge). If you covered your "opponent's" figurative mouth and nose with a cloth and poured water on it to simulate drowning, they will have no problem metaphorically submitting you to the "Pit Of Despair" and cranking the "The Machine" to 50.

3. Confabulation. When the screws (literally and figuratively) are really put to a person, he'll say anything to make the pain stop. He'll (or she!) admit to hiding munitions, greenlighting Season Of The Witch OR promising to take out the garbage even though the goddamn thing is only two-thirds full. Just please stop talking.

4. It Sort Of Works. People don't (usually) harp incessantly on the same minor point because it's fun. They do it because it's worked for generations. Ask any torturer or nagger where they learned their craft — it's passed down. But, does efficacy of a method cleanse the stain from your soul?

5. Even You Won't Like You. In some worlds (bird watching for one), the ends justify the means. But do you really want to be the kind of person that pulls another person's tongue out and stabs it with a rusty screwdriver just to get what you want? This is how someone who is clearly in the wrong (for not wiping their feet / harboring terrorists) becomes the sympathetic figure.
In a perfect world, the "bad guys" wouldn't have to be told, "Don't use the good hand towels," even though no one can tell the difference between any hand towels. But it's an imperfect world and we can't always be nice. Unfortunately, torture and nagging are not ours way. Not in my people I know, any way.