

January 19, 2013

A Blogger’s Dilemma: Featuring Brands or Products You Don’t Like But Your Readers Do

By: Julia DiNardo

In my experience as a blogger, I have tried my very best to keep an open mind, taking time to peruse and review a wide variety of brands and their offerings that might not necessarily strike an initial cord with me. There are, however, a handful of brands and products that for me, are non-negotiable in this department. On a personal level, I don’t wear real fur or exotic animal skins, and although I somehow have ended up with a few vintage hand-me-downs and faux items that replicate the look, I never quite feel comfortable wearing them and will avoid doing so.

We all have particular trends, brands, silhouettes, and even colors that for some reason or another, just don’t work for us.   Since my blog is a reflection of me, I find it difficult to mention or promote items that may fall into these categories of ‘dislike.’

However, I do acknowledge that this is merely my point of view that not everyone shares, and I have found that my readers do want to know about these things. I’ve tried to put the personal aside, and find a common ground that I feel comfortable with, which normally involves keeping the posts more matter-of-fact while trimming down the opinion in the text so that in no way does it come off as flat, biased, or trying to sway readers into conforming to my beliefs.

I’ve found that part of the key to becoming a good writer is to find a way to write about any subject, regardless of if it interests you, while managing to find a way to thoroughly engage the reader.

This can certain be murky water to wade through when it comes to blogs, since many of us do operate around incorporating a palpable amount of the personal into our sites.  To gain some perspective, I consulted with a few fellow bloggers regarding how they walk the line between items and brands that they aren’t particularly found of, but seem to be of interest to their audience.

Dianna Baros of The Budget Babe says:

“I think there are enough brands and products out there that you should never truly have to compromise your values as a blogger. For me sometimes there’s a conflict of taste- I may not love a particular trend but if I think my readers will, then I will totally cover it. Besides, if I only wrote about trends I wear personally, my blog would get boring, fast!”

Kat Griffin of Corporette says:

“Every so often my readers LOVE something that, for whatever reason, doesn’t work for me.  Case in point:  Nordstrom has this pencil skirt by Halogen that my readers absolutely love.  I finally tried it myself and, honestly, it’s not my favorite — just doesn’t work with my body shape.  But the fact that so many readers have been so vocal about their love for this skirt is really noteworthy, and still makes it a solid recommendation, so I continue to tell my readers when the skirt is on sale, and to mention it elsewhere.  You have to respect that sometimes the collective wisdom of the group is better/stronger than your own.”

How have you dealt with posting about items or a brand that haven’t exactly been your cup of tea?

By Julia DiNardo, of Fashion Pulse Daily


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