

January 19, 2013

Movie Clichés

With Hollywood turning out so many movies ever year, it is no surprise that they are often full of clichés. This is a list of the ten we see most often in movies. This is Wikipedia’s definition of a cliché: A cliché is a phrase, expression, or idea that has been overused to the point of losing its intended force or novelty, especially when at some time it was considered distinctively forceful or novel.

1. Henchmen Are Bad Shots


How many times can action heroes dodge dozens of bullets and never get hit? They have obviously never heard of target practice.

Seen in: Virtually every action film ever made!

2. Everyone’s a Cracker


It appears that these days all you need to crack into government files is a laptop and a local library. Nevermind the fact that a lot of government data is still on paper and is not electronic; if you need it in a film, you will find it. Oh, and it will take just a few seconds less than you need to save the day.

Seen in [Click to download via torrent] : The Bourne Supremacy, Enemy of the State, Mission Impossible

3. Third person Shooter


The bad guy is just about to kill the good guy when a shot rings out… But the hero doesn’t fall (though the look on his face is priceless). Suddenly the camera swings to reveal a savior – the third person shooter – who just shot the bad guy!

Seen in[Click to Download via Torrent] : Die Hard, A History of Violence, Independence Day, Reservoir Dogs

4. Presumed Dead


How many times have you seen this in a film? The good guy kills the bad guy (or he dies by some other means) and the good guy lets out a sight of relief (and often turns his back on the killer). Suddenly the killer jumps up and the action starts again. There is a good side to this cliché – if we were ever in a position in which we needed to kill someone to survive, we would check the pulse!

Seen in: Halloween, Live Free or Die Hard, The Matrix, The Terminator

5. Jack Bauer Syndrome


Like the TV protagonist in 24, some men like James Bond emerge from any beating looking as fresh as a daisy. This has a counterpart in 80′s soap operas – every woman in a soap woke up with perfect hair and makeup.

Seen in: Demolition Man, Predator, Casino Royale

6. Sliding Doors


It seems that every action hero, at some point, will need to dive under or through sliding doors. This is especially true when you are a hero on a spaceship.

Seen in: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Terminator 3

7. Lame Disguises


The worst disguise of all is the oxygen mask. How many times have we seen this in a film? The hero – or the bad guy – gets himself out of a very sticky situation by sticking on an oxygen mask. In one variation on this cliche, the bad guy put the mask on a dead guy so he could escape (Silence of the Lambs).

Seen in: Silence of the Lambs, Ocean’s 11

8. The Car Won’t Start


Cars are incredibly reliable machines – except in movies! You are almost assured of a breakdown once the action starts. This can have particularly bad consequences for the good guys (e.g.: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre).

Seen in: 28 Weeks Later, Children of Men, House of Wax

9. The Gun is out of Bullets


Just as the moment of truth arrives, you run out of bullets. This one usually results in the hero running from barrier to barrier to escape the gunfire from the enemy.

Seen in: Desperado, Face/Off, Mr & Mrs Smith

10. I Still Love my ex-Wife


There is nothing like having your ex-wife kidnapped to help you realise just how much you love her and vice versa. This also has the amazing effect of completely changing both of you so that the problems that caused the break-up in the first place are no longer a problem. Maybe we should all try it?

Seen in: Black Rain, Die Hard, Running Scared

Can add a few more, that have become especially "popular" in the movies of the last decade:

1. In action movies a/o thrillers, characters keep suggesting "we better get outta here!" through and through, and yet do find themselves in even worst troubles as they "get outta there to eslewhere"

2. "You ok?" - is a question characters would typically ask other characters no matter if those are completely bleeding out, have their limb lost, are shot or pinned through, or happen in infernal car crash. And the answer is typically "I'm alright", except for the cases if the victim is already dead. Conclusion - you are always "alirght" as long as you haven't died yet!

3. If one of the characters can play piano, has lots of books at home, is dressed well and can maintain intellectual conversations, be sure he's a bad guy! And the more sophisticated he is, the more sinister plans he carries.

4.Even in extremely dim and overcrowded places, such as discos, bartenders can easily recognize any customer by even a vague description, let alone by name.

5. Bad guys never hesitate to discuss even the most secret and tell-tale things in presence of the hookers sitting on his knees.

Inspired by the Metro.


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